Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College, Gazipur

Message from Honorable Principal


I am delighted to welcome you in the official website of Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College, Gazipur is a premier Medical College in Bangladesh, globally recognized for imparting finest medical education. Gazipur Medical College was established on 18/11/2013, Later on 06/08/2014 Gazipur Medical College was renamed as Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College, Gazipur.

Our Hospital offers the best of health care to the society. We take immense care to serve the needy and poor. STAMC has been developing a distinctive style of medical education, equipped to address critical health care challenges faced by the society. It is a matter of pride that a number of qualityful doctors in Bangladesh, have graduated from STAMC.


STAMC is on course to raise its global prominence. To enhance its position as an international leader in medical education and thought generation, STAMC is further strengthening its research base and inspiring diversity in perspectives.


My entire team is keen on training every student of our College to turn into a vibrant and a competent professional as they pass out of our Medical College, Our academic record is one of the best among all the government mMedical College in Bangladesh. We had noticed a high level of expertise, rationale thinking and clinical knowledge among our Alumni, and I am sure the present and future students of our college would turn out to be much more promising professionals.


Therefore, I hope that this website will play an informative role to know about us. We highly accumulated your cordial response to improve our institute.

Best wishes.


Professor Dr. Jobaida Sultana



অধ্যক্ষদের নামের তালিকা

ক্র.নং.অধ্যক্ষ মহোদয়গণের তালিকা হতেপর্যন্ত
০১অধ্যাপক ডাঃ জোবায়দা সুলতানা০০/০১/২০২৫খ্রিঃচলমান
০২অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ আজিজুল হক০০/০০/২০২৪খ্রিঃ২৯/১২/২০২৪খ্রি.
০৩অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ আমীর হোসাইন ০৪/১২/২০২৩খ্রিঃ০৩/০৯/২০২৪খ্রি.
০৪অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ মহিউদ্দিন মাতুব্বর১৭/১১/২০২২খ্রিঃ১৮/১১/২০২৩খ্রিঃ
০৫অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ আবদুল কাদের১৯/০১/২০২১খ্রিঃ০৮/১১/২০২২খ্রিঃ
০৬অধ্যাপক ডাঃ মোঃ আসাদ হোসেন২৮/০২/২০১৭খ্রিঃ১৯/০১/২০২১খ্রিঃ
০৭অধ্যাপক ডাঃ সুবাস চন্দ্র সাহা ২৫/১১/২০১৩খ্রিঃ২৭/০২/২০১৭খ্রিঃ